My Story
Hello, I’m
I’ve always been able to overcome obstacles and move forward in the face of adversity; death, heartbreak, relocation, and toxic relationships.
Before I became an Emotional Intelligence Coach I worked as a social worker in the court system for the state of Kansas, holding parents accountable for poor choices against their children.
Before that I provided food assistance through the Department of Children & Families to help families ease the day-to-day struggle of food insecurity.
And before that I worked as a Child Protective Services Specialist for the state of Arizona managing cases. Working with the courts to protect children, helping families achieve reunification or a permanent safe home for the children. Providing them support and solutions, to help them attain their goals.
From coaching kids in soccer to working as a social worker, and as an Emotional Intelligence Coach, I have a history of working with families and professionals changing lives for the better.
I represent my ancestors with an ability to conjure courage, and come from generations of seers, intuitives, farmers, and healers. My gifts and ability to connect with and help people heal propel me forward each day to continue to make a difference so that we can find joy and maintain happiness.
United we accomplish more.
I became a citizen because I believe in the promise of America. I believe in unity, and that when we’re united for the good we can focus on a better future. I believe in humanity, and that unconditional love - not only for the self - but other people provides fuel for the soul. That helping our neighbors, understanding how each decision we make affects each other, being creative, present and treating people how one would like to be treated is living and walking in faith.
I believe that hope and faith are cornerstones in the healing process, and faith in Christ is a cornerstone in my life. And I believe in freedom. The freedom to make my own choices, and not be influenced by wounded people committed to fear, chaos and grievances of the past.
Our focus is the future. USA—us all.
Pamela Williams
BA. Psychology & Sociology
IAPCC Life Coach Certified
I live what I preach! People react in disbelief when they find out I am 45. Genetics are a grateful blessing, but I believe one has to do the work also, so remain a walking bill-board of what I teach. To nourish the body, mind, and soul with mind-body health care.
I believe in the mind-body connection. Unexpressed emotions caused by trauma end up in the body as blocks. The Ramoni Method is a 7 step healing approach I designed that helps to identify why you feel angry, or why control is an issue. You feel and release your emotions during the program. My Ramoni Method guides you to do the work physically, emotionally, and will help you connect to Christ.
To me spirituality and religion are two different experiences. Religion is a practice and way to honor the Creator through set rules and rituals; to which there are many. Spirituality is the essence of living life in a way that expresses freedom through a set of attitudes and behaviors that embody love. The ability to manage stress, clear your mind of clutter, develop intuition, practice mindfulness, and find purpose that help others. I’ve known people to be religious but still have trouble comparing, identifying with negative thoughts, and the inability to accept their life circumstances; causing chaos. Connecting to Christ, our Creator and the Divine is the true essence of enlightenment, and spirituality.
What writing does for me is to allow my creative juices to flow, while releasing toxic energy from my aura and soul, freeing me from negative blind-spots.
My book; How Do I Find Love After Heartbreak? became a cathartic experience to turn my mess into medicine. It birthed the Ramoni Method as I began to realize the steps I take to heal. Jump-starting my healing journey, which helped me find my purpose, understand the law of attraction, and focus my mind on manifesting good through positive intentions.
On a personal note…
My values are simply; respect, hard work and never giving up. I love helping people, meditating in my prayer room, crystals, watching my footy (Liverpool FC), and solitude in a candle-lit milieu soaking in an epsom-salt filled tub. Christ is ensconced at the center of my world. The universe of metaphysics fills my soul, along with the company of my son. Boxing, playing piano, creating art, and writing is my release. Time energizing in nature is a must. I take risks; give back, try new things, prefer dinner and a chat with my soul-sisters, and believe each day is a new day to write a new page. Happiness is a state of mind, choose to be happy.